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The Hawai'i Geographic Information Coordinating Council (HIGICC) is a private non-profit 501(c)(3) organization consisting of members of Hawai'i's geospatial community. Our goal is to provide coordination of geospatial activities among a wide range of users in order to avoid duplication of effort, promote data sharing, and maintain data standards throughout the state. 

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HIGICC provides opportunities to network with other GIS professionals in Hawaii and the Pacific.

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Tax-deductible Donations can be directed towards the Mark Lierman Scholarship, GIS Day activities, or the HIGICC general fund.

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  • 12 Nov 2019 1:28 PM | Christine Chaplin

    Call for Proposals - University Consortium for Geographic Information Science Symposium

    For the first time ever, the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS.org), the national hub for the GIScience academic community will be holding our annual Symposium in Honolulu at the end of May 2020.

    While the program will be academic in nature, our plan for the program is to provide an interesting collection of thematically coherent sessions on a broad range of topics that each combine presentations on basic research in GIScience plus related education and application issues.

    Since Hawaii is my home and I’m President, I have decreed that we will make the Saturday afternoon available as a half day registration specifically for the Hawaii professional GIS community. We’ll offer 2 or 3 of these sessions followed by a Pau Hana when you can mingle with GIS professors, grad students and researchers from across the US. I realize many of our local professionals did not get the chance to study GIS in college, so this will give you some idea of what’s going on in the Ivory Tower these days.

    We are still putting together the program, and have an open call out (deadline this Friday 11/15!) to the academic community. In an effort to get as much local content as possible, and since I know that many of you support the work of scientists from various universities across the US, I thought I’d see if any of you might have some academic colleagues you might engage in preparing a proposal.

    Please get in touch with me if you want to bounce ideas for proposals. Deadline is Friday! Sorry for the short notice.


    Karen K. Kemp, Ph.D. GISP

    Professor Emerita of the Practice of Spatial Sciences

    Spatial Sciences Institute

    USC Dana and David Dornsife

    College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

    University of Southern California

    President, UCGIS 2019-2020

    Hawai’i Tel: +1 (808) 987-8788

    kakemp@usc.edu   spatial.usc.edu




  • 05 Nov 2019 10:11 AM | Christine Chaplin

    Wednesday, November 13, 2019

    2:00 pm EST

    This presentation will highlight some of the current feature extraction challenges that include the explosion of big data, the availability of cheaply sourced aerial imagery, the ubiquity of lidar and the easy-to-use “black box” AI solutions that intensive computing have made easily available. As mapping and remote sensing scientist, we are held to high professional standards when devising solutions to various mapping challenges. This presentation will delve into the exciting opportunities offered up as we try to navigate this brave new world of big data, data science, data mining and machine learning while maintaining the high levels of accuracy and completeness that we have all grown accustomed to.


    Presented by:
    Image result for woolpert


  • 30 Oct 2019 12:48 PM | Christine Chaplin

    Anyone can build apps on the ArcGIS platform.

    You don't have to be a software developer to build valuable geo-enabled apps that make your communities smarter and businesses more successful. This course will show you how to combine location and narrative in one application to better communicate and broadcast your story, create custom web applications that solve problems in your community, and build powerful native applications for iOS and Android devices without touching a piece of code. If you are a developer, you'll be interested in Esri's APIs, SDKs, and the buzzing GeoDev community.


  • 28 Oct 2019 10:37 AM | Christine Chaplin

    NOAA's National Ocean Service

    NGS Invites Public Comment on Retiring the U.S. Survey Foot After 2022

    NOAA's National Ocean Service sent this bulletin at 10/21/2019 10:00 AM EDT

    Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.


    Public Comment on Retiring the U.S. Survey Foot

    Bronze Yard

    The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Office of Weights and Measures and NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS) have co-issued a Federal Register Notice (FRN) to retire the U.S. Survey Foot After 2022. 

    We are soliciting public comment to ensure that this change is made in an orderly fashion with minimal disruption.


    Important Dates:

    • October 17, 2019 - First FRN Published inviting public comment on deprecation of the U.S. survey foot after 2022.

    • December 2, 2019 - Comment period deadline. Submit all comments electronically by this date.

    • June 30, 2020 - Final Rule - A second FRN will formally announce the change will be published before this date and will describe the details and the change process. 

    • December 31, 2022 - The U.S. survey foot will be deemed obsolete and superseded by the foot (formerly known as the international foot) equal to 0.3048 meter exactly for all applications. 

    Submitting Comments: 

    NIST and NOAA are managing the submission and posting of public comments online. Use the “Submit a Formal Comment” link near the top right of the Federal Register webpage. You can also search for the FRN at https://www.regulations.gov/.



    Surveyor chain

    The definition of the foot was updated in 1959 in the United States, but a previous definition of the foot is still in use and has caused confusion over time. The legally defined “international foot” and the older “U.S. survey foot” differ by only 0.01 foot per mile. 

    However, having both definitions in use often has resulted in confusion in surveying and mapping where computing accurate coordinates over large distances are commonly required. Retiring the U.S. survey foot will eliminate this confusion, and after 2022 the international foot will simply be called the foot. Read more on the NIST website.

    The modernization of the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) in 2022 is the perfect time to move the United States toward a single, uniform definition of the foot. Both NOAA and NIST have decided to deprecate the US foot through two co-issued Federal Register Notices, and by conducting public outreach.


    Learn More

    Register for this Webinar



    NOAA's National Geodetic Survey 



  • 09 Oct 2019 11:02 AM | Craig Clouet

    Lara Payne

    Remembrance and Memorial

    It is truly sad that I am announcing the passing of one of our friends, Lara Payne. Lara was a charm and will be missed. If you are available, please stop by and attend her service. Our thoughts and support go out to her husband Trenton.

    Those we love don’t go away,

    They walk beside us every day,

    Unseen, unheard, but always near,

    Still loved, still missed and very dear.

    Memorial service

    October 27, 2019

    11AM at Kualoa Regonal Park

    There will be a tent, chairs, with a service and music.

  • 30 Sep 2019 2:18 PM | Christine Chaplin

    To expand the impact of Esri's commitments to US K12 education, Esri wants to support, with $1000 grants to states, participation in a nationwide network of ArcGIS Online competitions for students in high school ("HS", grades 9-12) and middle school ("MS", grades 4-8). 

    For more information, click here!


    a. http://esriurl.com/agoschoolcomp (quick intro to the Competition)

    b. http://esriurl.com/agoschoolcompinfo (full details and quick 2019 results)

    c. http://arcg.is/AGOschoolcomptotal (full results from 2019, 2018, 2017)


    This is a three-tiered celebration of student problem-solving and analysis with maps. Students do a custom project and use an ArcGIS Online Organization account to create a web app or story map about something within the borders of the state, and submit it to the school. Schools submit up to five "school finalists" to the state. The state chooses five HS and five MS "state awardees" who each receive a prize of $100; from each set of five, the state also selects one "national finalist" for a final level of competition; the state sends to Esri data about all 10 awardees and total participants. Esri maps participants, awardees, and national finalists, and selects one national winner at HS level and one at MS level, who each earn trips to Esri's Education GIS Conference, in San Diego, CA, July 11-14, 2020. Winners are recognized and show their map in the main Map Gallery.

  • 20 Sep 2019 9:00 AM | Christine Chaplin

    The third and final informational meeting will be held on Friday, September 20 from 9-11AM in Building 303 in Diamond Head Crater.  

    The Hawaii Coastal Zone Management program (CZM) initiated a project to generate high-resolution Tsunami Design Zone (TDZ) maps for the Island of O'ahu. The project, identified as a priority in the State Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan and incorporated into the CZM’s 5-Year Coastal Hazard’s Strategy, will replace the low-resolution TDZ maps currently in the ASCE 7-16 standard so that future tsunami design on O'ahu will have the benefit of more accurate and informative mapping products. This third and final Project Information Meeting will provide an overview of the project and review the final mapping products prepared for the entire coastline of O`ahu.

    Oahu Tsunami Mapping Meeting 3 Flyer.pdf

    RSVP: Please email Ian Robertson at ianrob@gmail.com if you are interested in attending.

    Seating is limited and will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis.

  • 26 Aug 2019 9:00 AM | Christine Chaplin

    This is the third and final technical meeting for the CZM Project to develop high-resolution Tsunami Design Zone Maps for Oahu.

    About this Event

    The Hawaii Coastal Zone Management program (CZM) is about to complete a project to generate high-resolution Tsunami Design Zone (TDZ) maps for the Island of O'ahu. The project outcomes will replace the low-resolution TDZ maps currently in the ASCE 7-16 standard so that future tsunami design of buildings and other structures on O'ahu will have the benefit of more accurate and informative mapping products. This third and final Project Technical Meeting will present the final mapping products being prepared for the entire coastline of O'ahu.

    The meeting will be held in HiEMA Building 303 in Diamond Head Crater, but will also be available online for those who cannot attend in person. Please accept this invitation whether you are attending in person or online.

    This meeting is by invitation only, but if there is someone else whom you think should attend, please forward their name to Ian Robertson at ianrob@gmail.com .

    Directions to HiEMA Building 303 are provide below.

    To join the meeting online from your computer, tablet or smartphone, go to:


    You can also dial in using your phone.

    United States: +1 (571) 317-3122

    Access Code: 657-040-685

    If you are new to GoToMeeting, get the app now and be ready when the meeting starts:


    This meeting is organized by Ian Robertson, Ph.D., for the State of Hawai'i Office of Planning, Coastal Zone Management Program using Federal funds under Award No. NA16NOS4190093, Award No. NA16NOS4190152, and Award No. NA17NOS4190102 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce. The material presented at this meeting does not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

    Please email Ian Robertson at ianrob@gmail.com with any questions about this event, or if you would like an invitation sent to someone else who should attend the event.

    You can RSVP here:

  • 15 Aug 2019 1:21 PM | Christine Chaplin

    HONOLULU – The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) today released the 2018 edition of the “State of Hawaii Data Book.”

    The book is in electronic form and is available on the DBEDT website at: dbedt.hawaii.gov/economic/databook/. The data may be downloaded in whole or in part as either PDF or Excel files.   

    The Hawaii State Data Book is the most comprehensive statistical book about Hawaii in a single compilation. Classified into 24 sections with more than 800 data tables, it covers a broad range of information in areas such as population, education, environment, economics, energy, business enterprises, government, tourism, and transportation.

    “The Data Book is valuable for anyone who wants to open a business in Hawaii or just wants to know general information about the state,” said DBEDT Director Mike McCartney. “DBEDT researchers have been collecting and compiling the data more than 50 years. The information in the book will help us understand where we came from, identify and track trends and assist us in planning for the future.”

    “We update the data book year-round when data becomes available then compile the information around mid-August every year.  Due to the size limit of the book, we did not include all the available historical data in many of the tables.  For those who are interested in historical time-series data in the book, we have extracted and extended those tables with historical data and put them in a separate product called the Data Book Time Series, which can be found on the DBEDT website.  Location of the website is provided at the end of this press release,” said State Economist Dr. Eugene Tian. 

    Interesting data in this newest edition:

    ·          In 2018, the U.S. Postal Service delivered 527 million pieces of mail in Hawaii, 10 million pieces or 1.9 percent less than it delivered in 2017. (Table 16.05)

    ·          According to the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, 30,593 acres of forest and brushland were burned by 13 fires in 2018. (Table 20.03)

    ·          In 2018, 6.9 percent of the employed in Hawaii were multiple jobholders, showing an increase from 6.5 percent in 2017.  By comparison, 5.0 percent of the employed in the United States were multiple jobholders in 2018. Hawaii’s rank among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, where one is the highest percentage of multiple jobholders, rose from 14 in 2017 to 10 in 2018.  (Table 12.24)

    ·          Since the SAT was redesigned in 2016, Hawaii’s average scores have been higher than U.S. averages.  In 2018, the average SAT score in Hawaii was 1099 (out of 1600).  The average SAT score for the U.S. was 1067. (Table 3.21)

    ·          In March 2018, education, as a share of state & local employment (full-time and part-time), measured at 56.1 percent while its share of total payroll was 47.4 percent. Counting state government only, education was 71.1 percent of total state government employment and 63.7 percent of state government payroll. (Table 9.64)

    ·          The median age for Hawaii’s residents was 39.2 in July 2018.  There were 66 dependent people (defined as persons under 18 years and persons 65 years and over) for every 100 working-age people (defined as persons between the ages of 18 and 64 years old). (Table 1.30)

    DBEDT’s Research and Economic Analysis Division (READ) also maintains the time series of tables and updates the data continuously throughout the year. The time series and the update can also be found on the DBEDT website at http://dbedt.hawaii.gov/economic/databook/.

  • 14 Aug 2019 4:33 PM | Christine Chaplin

    Thank you MAGIS for holding this great event!

    Photo Credit: Gwen Sinclair

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