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The Hawai'i Geographic Information Coordinating Council (HIGICC) is a private non-profit 501(c)(3) organization consisting of members of Hawai'i's geospatial community. Our goal is to provide coordination of geospatial activities among a wide range of users in order to avoid duplication of effort, promote data sharing, and maintain data standards throughout the state. 

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HIGICC provides opportunities to network with other GIS professionals in Hawaii and the Pacific.

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Tax-deductible Donations can be directed towards the Mark Lierman Scholarship, GIS Day activities, or the HIGICC general fund.

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  • 26 May 2016 8:05 AM | Craig Clouet

    As some of you may have heard, the Hawaii Office of Planning Statewide GIS Program (OP/GIS) and the State Chief Information Officer-led Office of Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) are working together to upgrade our GIS capabilities to take advantage of current trends in Web GIS and cloud services.  Our ultimate goal is to make it easier for all State employees, contractors and the public to use, make and share maps on any device at any time.  

    We, along with our vendor partner, Esri, have completed an inventory of all of the State GIS data in our database, removed outdated data layers, and re-organized the remaining layers.  The revised database is being installed on a server on the State network, and has also being migrated into the Esri cloud and deployed as web services, which will provide benefits including enhanced accessibility and availability.  As a result, the web services in our current environment (http://gis.hawaii.gov/arcgis/rest/services) will have new REST service endpoints (http://geodata.hawaii.gov/arcgis/rest/services).  There will be an intentional 3-week overlap, during which both the gis.hawaii.gov services and the geodata.hawaii.gov services will be running simultaneously.  The services at http://geodata.hawaii.gov/arcgis/rest/services are now online.  The services at gis.hawaii.gov are scheduled to be taken off-line on June 15. 

    Because these new services will have new URLs, all web maps or applications that use the existing gis.hawaii.gov services will have to be modified to point to the data at geodata.hawaii.gov.  In order to assist you in this effort,  we’ve attached instructions on how to determine whether your maps are affected by this change, instructions on how to use the ArcGIS Online Assistant tool to modify your maps to point to the new services, and a cross-walk table to help you make the changes.

    In addition, as part of this effort, more than a terabyte of high-resolution raster data, including historical maps and satellite/aerial imagery, has been loaded into the Esri cloud and will be available in ArcGIS Online, ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, and to the public via REST services, including:

    ·        ·        historical topographic maps from 1910 through the 1940s;

    ·        ·        imagery from the 1920s, 1950s and 1960s; and

    ·        ·        the latest WorldView 2 and WorldView 3 imagery and 2015 coastal imagery

    With such major upgrades, there will inevitably be bumps along the way.  Please let us know right away about any issues you encounter.  We will work with Esri and ETS to resolve issues and make improvements.

    This is an exciting time for the Statewide GIS, and we hope that you find that these changes improve and enhance the GIS experience.  You may contact any of us at the Statewide GIS Program or the Office of Enterprise Technology Services for more information or assistance:

    How to check URL of services document

    AGOL Assistant changing URLs

    State REST Service Cross Walk Table

    Statewide GIS Program, Office of Planning, State of Hawaii:

    Joan Delos Santos:  joan.m.delossantos@hawaii.gov, (808) 587-2895

    Dennis Kim:  dennis.b.kim@hawaii.gov, (808) 587-2896

    Arthur Buto (Program Manager):  arthur.j.buto@hawaii.gov, (808) 587-2894

    Office of Enterprise Technology Services, State of Hawaii:

    Todd Omura (IT Governance Manager):  todd.t.omura@hawaii.gov, (808) 586-1824


    Joan Delos Santos

    Hawaii Statewide GIS Program

    State of Hawaii, Office of Planning

    235 S. Beretania St., 6th Floor

    Honolulu, HI  96813

    Phone (808) 587-2895

  • 12 May 2016 7:05 PM | HIGICC Administrator

    Aloha Hawaii State Data Center Affiliates –

                    We will be having an HSDC affiliate workshop on June 6, 2016.  It will be conducted by Lia Bolden from the L.A. Regional Office of the U.S. Census Bureau.  Jerry Wong is

    still assigned to the 2020 Census Test in L.A.   A PDF file containing the workshop information is attached.  The information is also shown below.

                     Hope you are able to join us!


     May 12, 2016


     TO:                  Hawaii State Data Center Affiliates

     FROM:             Jan Nakamoto

                            Hawaii State Data Center

     SUBJECT:       Hawaii State Data Center Affiliate Workshop on Monday Afternoon, June 6, 2016 –

               Using Census Data to Look for Trends in Your Community/Using Census Data Tools


    A Hawaii State Data Center affiliate hands-on computer workshop will be held on Monday, June 6, 2016.  The workshop presenter will be

    Ms. Elaine “Lia” Bolden, Data Dissemination Specialist from the L.A. Regional Office of the U.S. Census Bureau.  See the next page for her biography. 

    Lia will cover:

    ●  Census basics

    ●  Working with pre-packaged data products like the comparative and narrative profiles available for geographies within Hawaii

    ● Retrieving decennial and American Community Survey (ACS) data for use in trend analysis

    ● Retrieving demographic, social, economic and housing data by using the revised American FactFinder tool, the Census Business Builder (good tool for small businesses) and the Census Reporter (good tool for media people)

    ●  Brief look at the new census data tool being developed by the Center for Enterprise Dissemination Services and Consumer Innovation (CEDSCI)

    ●  Census Bureau’s efforts to promote the development of web and mobile apps

    Race and ethnicity data, especially for the Native Hawaiian race category, will be included in the above topics when possible.               

    Workshop details are as follows:

     Monday, June 6, 2016

    1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

    University of Hawaii at Manoa

    Hamilton Library, Room 113

    Honolulu, Hawaii  96822


    To reserve a space or for questions, email me at jan.n.nakamoto@hawaii.gov or David Fink at david.w.fink@hawaii.gov


    If you will be using the visitor parking lot area on the U.H. Manoa campus, the link to information regarding this parking is at: 



    We would like to thank the U.H. Hamilton Library affiliates for co-sponsoring these HSDC workshops.  Also, a big welcome to Ms. Gwen Sinclair who is

    the new affiliate contact person for the U.H. Hamilton Library Government Documents Collection. Gwen has been a part of many previous U.H. census workshops.

    Workshop Presenter’s Biography

    Lia Bolden is a Data Dissemination Specialist with the Customer Liaison Marketing Services Office. She began her Census career in 1988 where she served as a Partnership Specialist for the1990 Decennial Census.

    She has an extensive background in community initiatives with the Census Bureau, serving in the Partnership and Data Services programs in 2000 and 2010 Census. During the interim years, Lia was a Co-Managing

    Partner of a consulting firm specializing in providing planning, training and project management services to local communities and organizations engaged in community/ economic development. Lia's workshops areengaging and bring a spark of light to the world of statistics.

  • 01 May 2016 6:48 PM | HIGICC Administrator

    Undergraduate Scholarship

    Graduate Scholarship

    Time to reward students for their efforts and education.

     Please pass on the word.

    Deadline May 16, 2016, award announcement June 1st, 2016

  • 27 Oct 2015 12:29 AM | HIGICC Administrator
    Maui Oahu
  • 14 Aug 2015 12:29 AM | HIGICC Administrator

    HCPO - HIGICC Island Futures Conference

    Lots of fun and a Great Conference!

    download program

    Thanks to the attendees and sponsors.

  • 18 Jun 2015 12:27 AM | HIGICC Administrator

    Mapuana O'Sullivan

    Congratulations, Getting her master's in GIS while working for the DLNR on Kauai.

  • 03 Jun 2015 12:27 AM | HIGICC Administrator

    June 24th, 2015

    Annual Meeting 3PM NOAA Meeting room Pier 38

    Pau Hana Social 4PM-7PM Uncles Fish market and Grill Pier 38

    The 2015-2016 Board of Directors; Gretchen Chiques, Joan Delos Santos, Christine Chaplin, Jean Fujikawa, Robert O'Conner, Malie Beach-Smith, Asia Addlesberger, Sam Aruch, Isla Young, Craig Clouet, Alexa Jacroux-Biggs(not pictured)

  • 01 May 2015 12:26 AM | HIGICC Administrator


    Share your knowledge, expertise and great work with the GIS and Planning communities in Hawaii!

    Island Futures, the statewide HCPO-HIGICC conference, will be held on October 14-16, 2015:  Islandfutureshawaii.org.

    Contributors are invited to submit papers and abstracts on all topics within the field of Geographic Information Sciences, including (but not limited to):

    Coastal & Marine GIS (Coral reefs, fisheries, bathymetry, etc.)

    Education GIS (Use of GIS in K-12, secondary, technical, college and university, etc.)

    GIS in Emergency Management (Assessment, planning, information sharing)

    Environmental / Natural Resources GIS

    GIS applications (General GIS applications not in another track)

    GIS in Government (Local, State, Country, Federal)

    Imagery & Lidar (Acquisition and use of imagery & Lidar)

    Mobile GIS (Use and implementation of mobile GIS)

    Open Source GIS (Any use or application of open source software in GIS )

    GIS in Planning (Use of GIS in urban and regional planning projects and activities)

    GIS Standards (Development, integration, metadata)

    Utilities GIS (Electric and gas, pipeline, telecommunications, water/wastewater)

    Renewable Energy GIS

    GIS Web services/applications

    GIS Data (Acquisition and distribution, services, applications, user interfaces)

    Abstract submissions LINK.  Once accepted, presentations will be assigned to a track.  Specific dates/times of the tracks/presentations will be announced at a future date.  Presenters will be required to register for the conference. The Early Bird cost for the conference (in effect through September 14, 2015) is $300.  You may submit your abstract before registering.

    Interested in participating as a vendor or sponsor?  Click Here!

  • 08 Apr 2015 12:26 AM | HIGICC Administrator

    Undergraduate Scholarship

    Graduate Scholarship

    Time to reward students for their efforts and education. Please pass on the word.

    Deadline May 15, 2015, award announcement June 1st, 2015

  • 27 Jan 2015 12:25 AM | HIGICC Administrator

    Start thinking about the presentation you want to make.

    Have an idea for a workshop or field trip?

    Sponsorship & Vendor Opportunities.

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