The Coral Reef Ecosystem Program at NOAA's Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) is recruiting for a Marine Spatial Ecologist (through the RCUH-JIMAR project). Please see the announcement below (details attached), which has been extended through 10/26/2016, and distribute to potentially interested individuals/lists.
click link for more details:
Job Posting: RCUH/JIMAR PIFSC Marine Spatial Ecologist
Serves as the team lead for the PIFSC Coral Reef Ecosystem Program’s EcoSpatial Information (ESI) Team conducting interdisciplinary research and geospatial analysis to support benthic habitat mapping and ecological characterization projects. Develops, tests, documents, and implements methods for deriving other biologically important characteristics of coral reef ecosystem habitats and environments from satellite imagery and producing mapping information products. Provides assistance with management of the project, including proposal writing, administrative functions, and supervision, training and mentoring of personnel. Prepares technical reports and scientific manuscripts. Presents and discusses findings at national and international meetings with coastal fisheries and resource managers and interdisciplinary ocean scientists. Participates in research cruises and shore-based small boat surveys to map, assess, and monitor coral reefs of the Pacific islands.