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The Hawai'i Geographic Information Coordinating Council (HIGICC) is a private non-profit 501(c)(3) organization consisting of members of Hawai'i's geospatial community. Our goal is to provide coordination of geospatial activities among a wide range of users in order to avoid duplication of effort, promote data sharing, and maintain data standards throughout the state. 

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HIGICC provides opportunities to network with other GIS professionals in Hawaii and the Pacific.

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Tax-deductible Donations can be directed towards the Mark Lierman Scholarship, GIS Day activities, or the HIGICC general fund.

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  • 02 Nov 2017 12:15 PM | Craig Clouet

    Mark your calendars for the upcoming

     Winter King Tide Photo Survey! 

    November 7- 8 2017 & December 6- 7 2017

    For more information visit the :

  • 28 Sep 2017 7:31 AM | Craig Clouet

    It is time again for GIS Day. Please consider volunteering  for the morning to promote GeoSpatial technology and GIS to Hawaii school students.

    Here is the link to register https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GISDay17  

    Download the flyer:

  • 09 Aug 2017 2:48 PM | Craig Clouet

    Visual Sample Plan (VSP) Training in Honolulu!

    VSP is a GIS based is a software tool that supports the development of a defensible sampling plan based on statistical sampling theory and the statistical analysis of sample results to support confident decision making. VSP couples site, building, and sample location visualization capabilities with optimal sampling design and statistical analysis strategies.  VSP helps determine the number of samples needed and performs statistical analyses.  VSP is currently focused on design and analysis for the following applications.
    -- Environmental Characterization and Remediation
    -- Environmental Monitoring and Stewardship
    -- Response and Recovery of Chemical/Biological/Radiation Terrorist Event
    -- Footprint Reduction and Remediation of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Sites
    -- Sampling of Soils, Buildings, Groundwater, Sediment, Surface Water, Subsurface Layers and Items.

    The 3 Day course instructor is Brent Pulsipher who managed VSP development for 15 years, taught over 50 VSP courses, and has over 30 years’ experience in statistical design and analysis.  This course will include an optional 4th day focused on the VSP-UXO modules.  (Must select 4th day option on the Agenda registration page). The 4th day will include methods and tools for transect design, target area identification and delineation, anomaly density mapping and estimation, verification of UXO cleanup, remedial investigation (RI), and anomaly density mapping (geostatistics).

    Course registration:


  • 08 Aug 2017 12:33 PM | Craig Clouet

    This is a reminder that the U.S. Geological Survey will be hosting two webinars for the upcoming 3D Elevation Program Broad Agency Announcement.  

    Registration is required for the upcoming webinars.  They will be recorded if you are unable to attend and both sessions are identical. 

    The full title of the webinar is:

    "Agency Notice of Webinar; Announcement of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Geospatial Program (NGP) 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) FY17 Informational Training Webinars in Preparation for the Upcoming Release of the USGS Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for 3D Elevation Program (3DEP)"


    BAA webinars registration now open

    USGS Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for 3DEP FY17 National Webinars:


       - Notice of Upcoming 3DEP Public Acquisition Opportunity

     - August 10, 2017 at 1 pm EDT (7 am HST) - Registration

     - August 17, 2017 at 3 pm EDT (9 am HST) - Registration 

  • 07 Aug 2017 7:14 AM | Craig Clouet

    The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) has crafted the following position statement in response to the Federal Geospatial Data Act of 2017 (S.1253). S.1253 is co-sponsored by Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Dean Heller (R-NV) and Mark Warner (D-VA) has been a topic of much discussion within the GIS community. The American Association of Geographers (AAG) and the Urban Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) have expressed specific concerns about the bill as currently written.

    Upon review of the Bill the GISCI Board of Directors has identified the following concerns.

    • Purpose Statement: The bill lacks a clear purpose statement. We believe this creates opportunities for misinterpretation of the Bill's intent. A well-crafted purpose statement would help "put a fence" around the Bill and minimize opportunities for misinterpretation.
    •  Section 10 (Funding): We believe the language in this section is unnecessarily broad and could reduce or eliminate the availability of funds for research and other efforts not specific to the purpose of this Bill. A clear purpose statement along with some adjustments to Section 10 would help alleviate this concern.
    • Section 11 (Use of Private Sector): This is the area of greatest concern given the conflation of "surveying and mapping" with "geospatial data" and the potential that federally funded geospatial data activities could be limited to architectural/engineering firms and licensed surveyors. We are specifically concerned about the wording in subsections b and c, which state:
    •  Subsection (b) DEFINITION -- For purposes of selecting a firm for a contract under chapter 11 of title 40, United States Code, the term ''surveying and mapping'' shall have the meaning given the term ''geospatial data'' in section 2 of this Act.
    • Subsection (c) MODIFICATION OF FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION - Part 36 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 C.F.R. 36.000 et seq.) shall be revised to specify that the definition of the term ''architectural and engineering services'' includes surveying and mapping services and the acquisition of geospatial data, to which the selection procedures of subpart 36.6 of such part 36 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation shall apply.

    We believe these provisions could seriously impact the livelihood of Certified GIS Professionals (GISP®) and unnecessarily increase the cost of Federal geospatial data collection and management.

    The GISCI Board of Directors is confident that these concerns can be addressed while maintaining the purpose and goals of the Federal Geospatial Data Act (S.1253).

  • 07 Jul 2017 7:12 AM | Craig Clouet

    the FY17/18 3DEP Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) cycle will be underway shortly.  To increase awareness and enable stakeholders to prepare in advance for the BAA opportunity, the National Geospatial Program is conducting a series of national public webinars.  As space is limited, registration is required and will be accepted on a first come basis.  The presentations will be recorded and made available for viewing for those unable to attend.  The USGS appreciates your interest and involvement in the 3DEP program.  Webinars will be held:

    •August 10, 2017 at 1pm ET 

    •August 17, 2017 at 3pm ET

    Link to webinar registration:


  • 26 Jun 2017 12:24 PM | Craig Clouet

    The year is over! Just the fiscal year for the HIGICC. We had our annual meeting and social. Thanks to all that participated. Here is a link to the annual report.

    2016-2017 HIGICC Annual Report

  • 22 Jun 2017 6:45 AM | Craig Clouet

    June King Tides Photo Survey starts Friday! 

    Join the team of citizen scientists in the Hawai’i and Pacific Islands King Tides Project and help us document the impacts of King Tides (the highest high tides of the year) across the Pacific region.

    Visit the project website www.PacificIslandsKingTides.org for tide times at locations in the Hawaiian Islands (June 23-24), American Samoa (June 23-24), Majuro (Republic of the Marshall Islands) (June 25-26), and Guam (June 24-25).

    You can also find detailed instructions on how to submit photographs and observations of King Tides using the project’s free SmartPhone App and publicly accessible dataset at the links below:

    A special thanks to the many citizen scientists that photographed the May 2017 King Tides! Explore more than 1,300 photographs submitted by citizen scientists from across the Pacific region through the Hawai‘i and Pacific Islands King Tides Project dataset and the interactive online map.

    Documenting these King Tides will be especially important as the Hawaiian Islands continue to experience sea levels that are averaging six inches on top of predicted tides. For more information please visit www.HawaiiSeaLevel.org.

    Thank you for your participation!

    Contact KingTide@hawaii.edu

  • 28 Apr 2017 12:39 PM | Craig Clouet

    2017 West Hawaii Integrated Ecosystem Assessment 

    The coastal ocean of West Hawai'i Island is a biologically diverse and productive ecosystem. The region is also important to fisheries and tourism. The West Hawaii'i Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) research team returns to the region and investigates this dynamic marine ecosystem and its underlying oceanography.


    2017 Pacific Reef Assessment Monitoring Program Survey Mission

    The Pacific Island Fisheries Science Centers’ Coral Reef Ecosystem Program (PIFSC CREP) has been surveying coral reef ecosystems in the Pacific since the early 2000s. We collect data to assess how coral reefs vary over space and through time. We do this to inform the management of these stunning and important ecosystems, which are packed full of biodiversity and that provide coastal protections, food and livelihoods to millions of people worldwide. During this 88-day expedition, we will survey the islands of Jarvis, Howland, Baker and Wake, all part of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument. We will then traverse the Marianas Archipelago working our way up the chain from the populated islands in the south (Guam, Rota, Saipan) to the remote locations in the north.


  • 18 Apr 2017 1:57 PM | Anonymous

    It is time for the annual HIGICC scholarship. If you know of deserving students, please inform them of this award. While it is competitive, the annual scholarship is a great way to recognize the hard work of students in the Geospatial discipline.

    The Hawaii Geographic Information Coordinating Council is interested in encouraging students to further their studies in geospatial technologies. Towards this end, HIGICC awards a $1,000 scholarship each year to reward deserving students who show appreciation for and understanding of geography and geographic information systems (GIS).

    The deadline for applications is May 17, 2017. This year's criteria and application can be viewed and download in here:



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